Unit: kg/euro (constant prices 2005)
Source of data: Statistics Poland
Information about indicator
Name of the indicator
7.1.a Primary energy intensity of GDP with climatic correction
Sustainable Development Goal
Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy
Improvement of energy efficiency
Ratio of primary energy consumption to gross domestic product (GDP) at constant prices from the base year (2005) including climatic corrections.
kg/euro (constant prices 2005)
Available dimensions
Methodological explanations
Total primary energy consumption includes primary energy production plus recovery, import and reduction of primary stocks and derivatives of energy carriers, minus export and marine bunkers of these carriers.
A climatic correction determines the theoretical value of energy consumption for a given year, assuming that it would be characterised by weather conditions described by a long-term average number of degree days.
Kgoe – kilogram of oil equivalent (contractual), is a unit of measurement of energy used in international balance sheets. It indicates the amount of energy that can be produced from the combustion of one metric kilogram of crude oil. One tonne of oil is equal to the contractual 41.868 GJ or 11.63 MWh.
Gross domestic product presents the final result of the activity of all entities of the national economy in a given year. GDP value can be calculated in three ways:
- from the production side GDP is the sum of value added of all institutional sectors or all sections of the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) of domestic production entities plus taxes less subsidies on products,
- from the distribution side GDP is calculated as the sum of domestic demand, i.e. final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation as well as external balance of goods and services,
- as the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account (compensation of employees, taxes less subsidies on production and imports, gross operating surplus and mixed income of the total economy).
Gross domestic product is calculated according to obligatory in the European Union countries principles of the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010) and recommendations of the Eurostat.