Unit: percent [%]
Source of data: Ministry of Health
Information about indicator
Name of the indicator
6.1.b Percentage of population supplied with water not meeting requirements
Sustainable Development Goal
Goal 6. Clear water and sanitation
Increase in disposable water resources, improvement of its ecological state and chemical quality
The percentage of the population supplied with the water supply network, which is not safe to use.
percent [%]
Available dimensions
Methodological explanations
The water supply system is the water supply pipelines together with the utilities and devices supplied with water.
Water supply are a complex of water supply devices used to capture surface and underground water, public wells, devices for storage and treatment of water, water supply networks, water pressure regulating devices.
The water is safe to use if it is free from pathogenic microorganisms and parasites in a number that poses a potential threat to human health, all substances in concentrations that pose a potential threat to human health and does not exhibit aggressive properties.