Public debt - total nominal debt of entities of the public finance sector, established without the mutual obligations of entities belonging to this sector (gross debt). Pursuant to the Public Finance Act, public debt includes following liabilities: - securities issued for cash claims (other than equity securities) - loans and borrowings taken, - deposits taken, - matured liabilities (i.e. liabilities which payment term expired but are not yet barrred or decommitted), - resulting from separate laws and legally binding court decisions or final administrative decisions, - recognized as uncontested by the relevant public finance sector entity that is the debtor. One of the components of public debt is the State Treasury debt (two other components are local government debt and social security debt). Treasury debt is the government's commitment to cover, amon others, the budget deficit. State Treasury debt typically accounts for about 90% of public debt. The cost of debt service is the state budget expenditure. The costs of debt service includes primarily interest and discount on treasury securities, interest and fees on loans and borrowings received, costs of issuing treasury securities and payments under sureties and guarantees granted by the Treasury. Exports include the value of goods leaving the country within the framework of trade transactions as well as the value of services, among others, transport, construction and communications, net processing turnover, printing services, financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM). The value of exports includes estimated balance of purchases made by Polish citizens abroad as well as purchases made by foreigners in Poland. |